Get your bulldog pup from the right place and less bulldogs will end up in rescue in the future!
Breeders Page
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Get your bulldog pup from the right place and less bulldogs will end up in rescue in the future!
Find a health tested puppy from a reputable breeder here
Our criteria for advertising is very strict, we will not advertise any litters that are not from Breed Council Health Tested dogs or that contain non recognised colours or dogs from a commercial breeder or puppy farm. We also encourage people to give us feed back about the breeders to help us when accepting adverts in the future.
Show your breeder you've done your research and take our Short Course. Learn about the bulldog, what to look for in a breeder, what to look for in a litter, how to care for your bulldog and how to not get conned
This hour long course will test what you've learned and generate a certificate to show you have done your research